Content Strategy

5 easy ways to optimize your contest design

Are you looking to increase engagement with your online sweepstakes and promotions? Boosting audience interaction can be as easy as making a few simple tweaks to the design of your contest’s landing page. Consider incorporating the following tips into your next contest design for better participation results.

Give your promotion an eye-catching title

Grab site visitors’ attention with a sweepstakes title that is appealing while clearly stating what they could win. For example, rather than naming your contest, “Maui Sweepstakes”, call it “Weekend in Maui Giveaway”. This second title is more compelling and paints a clearer picture of the prize you’re offering.

Feature your prize in the header image

Entice your audience by showing off your fabulous prize in your contest header! From a picture of a brand new television to a photo of the cruise ship for your grand high seas giveaway, catch the attention of your site visitors by giving them a taste of what’s up for grabs at the top of the page.

Highlight the total value of your prize

Don’t bury the value of those big ticket items. Prominently featuring the dollar amount of prize packages, high-end electronics, or trip giveaways can further excite your audience at their chance to win. Consider highlighting the promotion value near the top of the page or even in your contest title (examples: “$1,000 Big Bucks Blowout” or “Win a $5,000 Home Renovation!”).

Create a low barrier for entry

Your audience doesn’t want to fill out a five-page survey to qualify for a contest. Saving them time and effort by requiring minimal information in your registration forms will increase your potential for a higher participation rate. Unless you’re running a sweepstakes or promotion on behalf of a sponsor who has requested specific lead data, consider limiting your required registration fields to Name, Email Address, and Date of Birth. You can always collect the winner’s mailing address and phone number via email once the contest has closed to fulfill the prize.

Use contrasting colors to make an eye-catching call-to-action button

Pull site visitors’ attention to your “Enter to Win” or other call to action button by using colors that contrast to the overall theme of your contest page. For example, if your theme uses light colors, feature a dark button with light text, or vice versa. This will draw potential entrants to your call to action, further compelling them to complete their registration.

For tips on polishing your contest copy, check out this article.


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