Content Strategy

Monday Marketing Tip: Tell a story with your contest copy

Start the week with a boost in audience engagement with our Monday Marketing Tip series!

Today’s advice will help drive your audience to enter your promotions by relating to them through compelling copy that tells a story.

While it’s important to clearly state your promotion terms, it can help to use storytelling elements to illustrate the value of the prize. If you’re giving away a trip, help your members visualize themselves at the destination by painting a picture for them. List a few exciting activities your audience can do while on the trip, or describe the scenery they’ll experience. For instance, a contest for a trip to Malibu could include these lines:  “Dig your toes in the warm sand of Zuma Beach.” or  “Walk hand-in-hand along the shore at sunset on a romantic Malibu getaway for two!”

For more ways to improve your contest copy, check out this post.

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