Marketing & Campaign Promotion

Monday Marketing Tip: Plan for success with an editorial calendar

Start the week with a boost in audience engagement by using our Monday Marketing Tip!

Today’s advice will help you drive engagement and grow your database all year long; consider including an editorial calendar in your content and promotions strategy. Editorial calendars are a critical component of any successful marketing planand one that is often overlooked.  Whether you create a standalone calendar for digital efforts or include them in your on-air promotions plan, be sure to think ahead! Not only will it help you prepare for the biggest opportunities each quarter but it will also allow flexibility for executing other valuable content throughout the year.

If you do not already have a promotions and marketing calendar in place, start by highlighting all major holidays. Then fill in other key events that your team would like to leverage as engagement opportunities. Knowing your target dates well in advance will allow your sales team ample time to secure sponsors. Once you’ve identified these important dates, add in deadlines for content creation to give your marketing and promotions departments the lead time they need to execute exciting campaigns that will delight your audience. Be sure to include dates that you plan to promote the campaign via your email newsletter, on-air mentions, or posts to your social media pages.

You don’t have to limit your calendar use to scheduling larger contest promotions; be sure to include smaller, low-cost engagement opportunities such as blog posts, themed trivia, polls, or surveys, too. Planning ahead will ensure that you’re never at a loss for content ideas. If you find you’re having trouble brainstorming promotions for key dates and holidays, take a look at our free quarterly content resources. Start planning for the second quarter today with our Q2 Campaign Concepts Guide, with contest suggestions, target advertisers, and more for the months of April, May, and June.

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