Generating New Revenue

February Featured Advertiser Spotlight: Florists

Secure new revenue with our new monthly Featured Advertiser Spotlight series! Each month, we’ll highlight a different target industry or business to approach for your latest campaigns. These posts will include campaign suggestions and free sample surveys from our Client Repository.

This month’s featured advertisers are local florists.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, but you’ve still got time for some last-minute engagement that both your audience and sponsors will love!

Partner with a florist in your area to sponsor your email newsletter this month and provide your subscribers with exclusive discounts for beautiful bouquet arrangements for that special someone or even a chance to win a free arrangement! Get your on-air talent involved by having them give away a bouquet of fresh flowers to a new lucky listener each day. You could even drive in additional revenue by selling a sponsorship to this free Valentine-themed trivia campaign.

Approach your target advertiser and get started collecting leads for them today with the free florist sample survey below. Check out our Client Repository for other sample content and stay tuned for more sponsor suggestions on the first Friday of every month!

Download the Free Survey!
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