Content Strategy

Improve your web headlines with these 3 tips

There are a number of benefits to optimizing the headlines for your web content, from boosted SEO rankings to increased click rates and higher page views. We’ve pulled together below some tips for maximizing your own web headlines to help you achieve your digital content goals.

Base your headline on the article’s main idea

Set readers’ expectations by incorporating the main concept of the story into the title for the content. That idea should also be found in the lead or introduction of the piece.

Avoid repetition

Keep your headlines succinct. Refrain from repeating keywords over in the same headline (repeating keywords within the piece itself is fine). If possible, also avoid use of any exact wording or phrases from the story copy.

Drop conjunctions and articles

“A”, “an”,  “and”, and “the” take up space that could be put to better use in informing your readers, so it’s considered a best practice to leave them out of your headline. For example, change a headline that reads “New commercial space brings opportunity to the area’s small business” to “New commercial space brings opportunity to small businesses in Midtown area.” Or change “Mayor and council meet to discuss new public safety measures” to “Mayor, council agree on new public safety plan”.

For more ways to optimize your headlines for web, check out this recent post.

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