Generating New Revenue

August Featured Advertiser Spotlight: Apartment complexes

Secure new revenue with our new monthly Featured Advertiser Spotlight series! Each month, we’ll highlight a different target industry or business to approach for your latest campaigns. These posts will include campaign suggestions and free sample surveys from our Client Repository.

This month’s featured advertisers are apartment complexes.

School is almost back in session, and college students in your area are possibly looking to make the move to their new apartment near campus. Considering partnering with a complex or property manager in your area to offer exclusive move-in specials to your email subscribers. You could even boost revenue by securing a apartment community to sponsor our free Dream Apartment Makeover campaign template or one of our other contest ideas tailored to this industry.

Get started collecting leads for the apartment complexes in your area today with the free sample survey below. For more advertisers to approach for your August promotions, check out this recent post.

Download the Free Survey!
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