Content Strategy

5 easy ways to grow your email list

Want to convert more site visitors into newsletter subscribers? Perhaps it’s time to revise your email collection strategy. Consider the following tips to optimize your call to action language, draw attention to your signup form, and covert more subscriptions.

Compel subscribers with an enticing call to action

If you haven’t done so lately, take a moment to evaluate your call to action language for your email signups. Use concise copy and an eye-catching layout, choosing colors for your button and text that contrast with the background of the page or form. Another effective tactic is to incentivize potential subscribers by offering them something they can’t get by simply visiting your website. Highlight these benefits in the call to action copy for your signup form. Some examples include:

  • Stories exclusive to the newsletter/subscription
  • A unique voice, perspective, or subscriber experience
  • Access to bonus content such as extended interviews or commentary, exclusive op ed pieces

Choose the right placement for your signup call to action

You might also want to rethink the current placement of your newsletter signup on your site in order to draw more attention to it. Prominently displaying an invitation at the top of the homepage or a story page will increase visibility, making it one of the first things that a user sees when visiting your site. Consider adding a call to action in the homepage header or including a Newsletters link in the site menu.

Embed a signup form on individual story pages

Drive new email subscriptions by embedding a signup form directly within the body of story content. Look for natural breaks in the copy to minimize interruptions to the flow of the visitor’s experience. For example, try embedding an email collection form in between paragraphs or below video content. In addition, consider keeping the signup opportunity relevant to the page’s content by including an opt-in form for a newsletter subscription that is closely related to the story topic.

Incorporate an email collection popup on your site

Exponentially increase visibility of your email signup using a popup form. There are a number of user behaviors that could be used as triggers for a popup, such as:

  • How much time a user has spent on your site in a single session
  • The number consecutive articles a user has engaged with in a single session
  • A specified amount of time that a user spends on a single page on your site

As with the story embed forms mentioned above, be sure to execute these in a unique and unobtrusive way that flows with the user’s experience.

Prolong user engagement even after they’ve subscribed

Keep engagement going past the signup form. Consider incorporating an automated confirmation or thank you email into the email collection process. Use the real estate of that email to do some of the following:

  • Reinforce the users expectations of the newsletter’s mailing frequency and content
  • Call attention to more opportunities to interact with your brand, such as your social channels or other available subscriptions
  • Drive traffic back to your site

For more tips for improving your email strategy, check out this recent post.

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