Generating New Revenue

Ring in the new year with these 8 advertisers this January

A brand new year is just a couple of weeks away, but there’s still time to add exciting campaigns to your calendar to drive revenue and database growth in January. Make a resolution to team up with one or more of these businesses that are perfect for sponsoring your contests, email blasts, and more in the new year.

Gyms, Fitness Studios, & Personal Trainers

It’s no secret that one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to get in shape. Help your audience achieve their fitness goals by partnering with a local gym, personal trainer, or fitness studio. You could also consider securing exclusive discounts on gym membership fees or free yoga, kickboxing, or other fun classes for subscribers of your email newsletter.

Athletic Apparel & Sporting Good Stores

Send your members to the gym in style by teaming up with athletic apparel stores or sporting good retailers in your area. Ask your sponsors for gift cards or items to stock your prize closet so you can give away new gear online or on the air!

Nutrition Supplement Stores

Your listeners want to feel good inside and out, so consider approaching a local supplement store for a campaign packed with vitamins, protein powder, and other nutritious goodies. Create a campaign of health-related trivia questions sponsored by this advertiser, or have them offer a coupon in your January email blast.

Grocers & Farmers Markets

Give your audience the opportunity to stock their fridge with their favorite healthy meals and snacks by giving away gift cards or a shopping spree from a sponsoring grocery store or farmers market.

Travel Agencies

Many of your listeners make make a resolution to try new hobbies or see new places. Travel agencies make great advertising partners for trip giveaways. Help a lucky member of your audience visit their dream destination in a New Year, New Adventure contest. We’ve even got a free contest design template to help you get started!

If providing prizes isn’t within your advertising partner’s budget, you can also offer a sponsor package for other content such as trivia, surveys, or polls. Check our Client Repository for free trivia graphics, sample questions, lead-generating surveys, and more.


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