Marketing & Campaign Promotion

Monday Marketing tip: Improve user and sponsor experience with Engage Suite Widgets

Start the week with a boost in audience engagement with our Monday Marketing Tip series!

Today’s advice will help you create seamless content campaigns with help from Engage Suite Widgets.

When an advertiser purchases a sponsor package to be featured on your website, they expect a creative, unique opportunity to connect with your audience. With Engage Suite Widgets, you can present your sponsor’s content in a fun, highly interactive way. Use the Trivia, Surveys, or Polls Widget to create single sponsored instances and embed them directly on a landing page dedicated to your advertiser, or utilize the Campaign Widget for a truly seamless content experience. The Campaign Widget allows you to host a sponsored trivia, poll, contest, and special offer all in one location, making it easy to monetize content showcases that you can feature anywhere on your site, such as your homepage. This type of campaign is a great way to give your site traffic and revenue a lift during the holiday season and all year long!

For more ways to optimize your content strategy with Engage Suite Widgets, check out this recent post.

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