Content Strategy

Monday Marketing tip: Boost audio streaming through exclusive online programming

Start the week with a boost in audience engagement with our Monday Marketing Tip series!

Today’s advice will help you grow your digital audio listenership by capitalizing on peak times for  traffic with exclusive online shows and segments.

A recent report of audio insights and trends provided by Triton Digital and Webcast Metrics® suggests that the number of people streaming audio peaks midday and remains strong into the evening hours.   Keep this in mind when planning programming for your own digital audio. Drive traffic to your stream and keep members listening by offering content that they can’t hear anywhere else–not even on your local broadcast!

For example, stream never-before-aired episodes or outtakes from your morning show, extra clips from celebrity interviews, or other content that you’ve recorded but never released on the air. Have your talent host special shows that will only be broadcasted online during those peak traffic hours, and then promote the segments over the air, on your website, and on your social media profiles. Listeners will feel compelled to tune in and hear exclusive entertainment from their favorite personalities, and you could see a significant lift in streaming traffic.

For more ways to grow your streaming traffic, check out this recent post.

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