Content Strategy

Marketing Monday Tip: Optimize your graphics for multiple social channels

Start the week with a boost in audience engagement with our Monday Marketing Tip series!

Today’s advice will help optimize your social media content and campaigns by tailoring your graphics toward each major network.

From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and beyond, each major social channel has a different set of dimensions for shared images. You can maximize your social reach by creating a set of attractive graphics for your events, contests, and other promotions, all sized specifically for your posts on each of these networks. Canva is an excellent tool for creating and resizing images for various social platforms as well as blog images, email headers, and more. Share these optimized graphics on your profiles, and encourage your audience to share them with their own friends and followers to spread the word about your big promotions!

For more ways to market your contests and events on social media, check out this recent post.

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