
The LoadUpdatedMembers API provides a list of new member records that fall between the specified SinceDate and the midnight of the day before the call. For example if you call LoadUpdatedMembers (11/4/2019) with the SinceDate parameter of 11/3/2019, the service will return all the records that were updated on the 11/3. The updates that took place on the on the 11/4/2019 will not be considered no matter what time you issue the call to our service. In other words, if the SinceDate parameter is today, you will not get any results back.


  • sinceDate-The earliest date of member registrations. Must be in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd
  • siteID– Numeric identifier of the Site in the Frankly Media database
  • partnerName – Unique identifier of the 3rd party calling the API. Provided by Frankly Media
  • token – An encrypted string constructed using the passed-in parameters and the partner-specific “shared secret” provided by the Frankly Media. Unless requested differently by the partner, the MD5 hashing algorithm is used to produce the token. For the purpose of this call the following formula should be used: md5(memberID + shared secret). For the generic example refer to this article.

How to call

URL Format: https://api.enticent.com/Subscriptions.svc/LoadUpdatedMembers/{sinceDate}/{siteID}/{partnerName}/{token}. https://api.enticent.com/Subscriptions.svc/LoadUpdatedMembers/2009-01-01/718/partner/6D-E9-9A-B6-73-D8-10-79-BC-4F-EE-51-A4-84-15-D8

Return Value

The following XML structure is returned in the success scenario:

<members xmlns=”http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ListenerAPI.DataObjects” xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”>
<workPhone />
<mobilePhone />
<address1 />
<address2 />
<city />
<state />
<email>[email protected]</email>


The method returns a limited number of records at a time (200). Call repeatedly until no records returned. For testing and debugging purposes, if you need to start again from record 1, call ResetLoadUpdatedMembers method with the same parameters.