
The LoadActiveContests API provides a list of active contests. Stealth contests are excluded from the list


  • siteID– Unique identifier of the site in the Frankly Media database. You can request the ID(s) from Frankly Media support
  • partnerName – Unique identifier of the 3rd party calling the API. This information must be requested from Frankly Media in order to use any API methods
  • token – An encrypted string constructed using the passed-in parameters and the partner-specific “shared secret” provided by the Frankly Media. Unless requested differently by the partner, the MD5 hashing algorithm is used to produce the token. For the purpose of this call the following formula should be used: md5(memberID + shared secret). For the generic example refer to this article.
  • timestamp – Verification time stamp. UTC time of the client call. Must be in the following format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss

How to call

URL Format: https://api.enticent.com/Subscriptions.svc/LoadActiveContests/{siteID}/{partnerName}/{token}/{timestamp}.

Example: https://api.enticent.com/Subscriptions.svc/LoadActiveContests/567/TritonTest/44-F1-B0-C2-22-58-BA-2B-B9-AD-86-B5-8B-4E-6E-87/20120105205311

Return Value

The following XML structure is returned in the success scenario:

<Contests xmlns=”http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ListenerAPI.DataObjects” xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”>
<ContestName>Char-Griller 3001 Grillin’ Pro 40,800-BTU Gas Grill</ContestName>
<Discription>Enter to Win a Char-Griller 3001 Grillin’ Pro 40,800-BTU Gas Grill!</Discription>
<ContestName>$225 Amazon Gift Card</ContestName>
<Discription>Enter to Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!</Discription>

In the case of an error, a SynchError node will be returned by the service. The explanation of the error will be embedded in the messageText node.
Here is an example of the XML structure:

<SynchError xmlns=”http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ListenerAPI.DataObjects” xmlns:i=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”><messageText>Request declined. Invalid token for partner CLRCHNNY. System.Exception: Validation of the checksum failed</messageText></SynchError>