Content Strategy

3 spring cleaning tips for your content strategy

Spring cleaning extends beyond clearing a few moth-eaten sweaters and last season’s shoes out of your closet or attic. Many of the same principles can be applied to your digital content strategy. Below we’ve pulled together a few suggestions on how to direct some of your Marie Kondo-esque intentions toward tidying your online properties.

Take Inventory

Before you begin to purge items from your closet, you take out all of the clothes and evaluate what garments you’ll keep and which will go into the garbage bin. Apply this same strategy to your collection of digital content. Consider conducting a content audit to take inventory of each piece you have posted. Record all of the important details, such as the title of the asset, a description of its contents, and the date it was published to your site.

Remove the clutter

Once you have a full inventory of the content on your site, it’s time to clear out the clutter. Evaluate each piece and determine which items contain out-of-date information or any details that may no longer be relevant to your station, such as expired contests or posts that contain your old branding. Scrub any duplicate content from your site and update pages that have missing or incorrect information.

Mix things up!

Now that you’ve cleared away any outdated pieces, take a look at the patterns in your remaining content. Is it well-balanced, covering a wide range of topics and formats, or do you find that your content is focused heavily in one area, such as contests and promotions? Look for opportunities to add in new, engaging items, such as concert calendars, blog posts from your on-air personalities, and local news updates. Incorporating some variety into your content strategy will breathe new life into your website and keep visitors coming back for more.

Want more tips for ways to keep your digital strategy fresh? Check out our digital content checklist.



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