Content Strategy

3 ways to optimize call to action buttons for increased engagement

Are you looking for ways to boost conversions and overall audience participation on your website? One effective method for increasing engagement with online content is through strategic calls to action. Consider the last piece of material you downloaded online or the last email list you subscribed to. Everything from the copy and images on the page down to the button or link you clicked to complete the task was designed to compel you toward that specific activity. When designing your own calls to action, consider the following tips to ensure that your content yields the desired effect.

Strategic & Intuitive Placement

When determining where to place your call to action button, consider the flow of user experience on the page. While including a button above the fold might be more effective for email subscription sign-ups or featured content on your homepage, pages containing sweepstakes or blog posts with downloadable material may yield a higher conversion rate when the call to action is placed near the bottom of the page. When there is more text for your members to consume, they will read from top to bottom and left to right, so placing a button at the end of a section of important information provides a more natural progression.

Eye-catching Design

Your audience won’t engage with a call to action if they don’t notice it. Ensure that download, subscription, or click-to-enter buttons are easy to spot. Consider using colors that contrast with the overall scheme of the web page while still providing a pleasing aesthetic. For example, if your background is light, use a dark hue for your button, or vice versa.

Compelling, Brief Copy

Once you’ve grabbed your audience’s attention, compel them to follow through on your desired action with copy that packs a punch. First, inspire site visitors to click on a button by keeping its text relevant to the rest of the information on the page. For example, a blog post that contains a special offer from a sponsor could include a download or sign-up button to claim the offer. It wouldn’t make sense, however, to include a button that prompts members to sign-up for an unrelated contest.

Further compel clicks with brief button copy that inspires action and conveys a sense of urgency. Aim to keep your button text under five words if possible. Incorporating verbs such as watch, enter, click, or subscribe into the call to action text will provide clear direction for your audience. If your personalities have been mentioning a promotion on-air, try to also incorporate some of the same language on the online call to action so that it is easily recognizable for listeners. Some examples of brief yet effective button text include:

A post inviting new members to join your engagement program:

  • Join the club!
  • Start earning rewards today
  • Sign me up!

An invitation to sign up for your email list to receive extra benefits and offers:

  • Get the inside scoop
  • Become an insider now
  • Send me special offers
  • Count me in!

A button that links to a ticket sales page for an upcoming event

  • Buy your tickets now
  • Come join the fun!

A button inviting members to vote in a photo caption contest or other UGC (user-generated content) contest:

  • Cast your vote
  • Pick your favorite now

A button inviting members to submit their own content to a UGC contest:

  • Show us what you’ve got!
  • Share your own {photo/audio/caption}

A button compelling your audience to enter a sweepstakes or sponsored contest

  • Claim your entry
  • Enter to win today!

From mailing list sign-ups to social share buttons, the placement, design, and text on your call to action buttons can make a significant impact on your conversion rate. For more tips on improving your digital content strategy, watch our recent webinar with Triton Digital on common website challenges and how to overcome them.

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